Chikara Construction

1. Project Cost Analysis Report,
2. Fuel Management System,
3. Plant Management System,
4. Quality Management System

MR118 Upgrades, Karas

Upgrading to Bitumen Standards of MR118 between Rosh Pinah and Oranjemund in the Karas Region 98 km (Namibia)

MNTC Toll Concession

Unsolicited PPP bid preparation for 500 km roadworks and the upgrade and modernisation of a one stop border post between Zambia and Tanzania.

Lamu to Isiolo Highway

EPC Project Proposal (Raubex / WBHO Joint Venture) - Public Private Partnership Project for the design, build, finance, operate, maintain and transfer of the Lamu to Isiolo Highway (Kenya).

Musina Ring Road

Musina Ring Road construction and upgrading of 8,5km of road including 5 bridges and 2 new intersections.

Beitbridge Border Post

The upgrade and modernisation of the Beitbridge Border Post, one of Africa's busiest border crossings between Zimbabwe and South Africa. Public Private Partnership (Design-Build-Operate-Transfer of Port and Non Port Works).